Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sketch of the Day, 31st of May. Rooster!

Greetings, folks!

Just a quick sketch of a rooster before heading out to investigate a possible sketching opportunity: The Belmont Goats, in Portland. That should be interesting. As for the rooster, he looks like he could use a few bugs to chew on before things get out of hand......

Pen and ink, as usual for me ~



Friday, May 30, 2014

Sketch of the day, May 29th. Flying Pig II.

Hello Again,

I sat down late last night to get a bit of sketching in, and after a number of possible subjects, I decided to use another cast-iron winged pig as my target. A friend of mine owns several of these curiously goofy and fun to draw critters, so...... easy choice at 10:00PM. Pen & Ink, and a bit of hard cider were used in the creation of this sketch.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sketch of the Day: May 27th

A Pig!

I love pigs. They're funny, odd looking, and quite smart. They can be such goofy individuals, full of character and obvious intelligence. Today's sketch, rendered in pen & ink, presents one of these unique fellows.




Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sketch of the Day #6, The Fennec Fox!

 Hello, Folks,

For sketch number six, I chose to study several images of the fennec fox, the world's smallest fox, and native to the Sahara Desert of North Africa. It's rendered in pen & ink in the small sketchbook I'm using for this sketching project.



Monday, May 26, 2014

Sketch of the Day: #5 ~ A Pig can fly!

This little fellow made a fine subject for day five in my ongoing sketching project.  He's one of those cool, vintage cast-iron winged piggy banks ~ First, I did a simple pencil sketch to get the form, then worked in the rest with a couple of Micron pens.

Sketched on Sunday evening, May the 25th, in Milwaukie, Oregon, 2014.